Hi John,

I’m so sorry that you felt the need to write an email to explain the pre-sale ticket sitch. We know you are both totally #fanfirst and appreciate you all the more for it. Hope the bum is better soon and thanks for all the #content loveubyeeeee

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What a lovely email. As a chronic pain sufferer I really appreciate you not ‘keeping it light’ - your words about how pain tears you down to basics are so true and something most medical practitioners can’t seem to get their heads around so thank you for ‘getting it’ after such a short space of time. The effect it has on you as a person and who you are is equal to if not more than the pain itself. So a big thanks John for touching on it in your email and look forward to hearing more if and when you decide to explore it!

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Hi legend! I just saw your message after leaving my own. I’m a long term chronic pain sufferer myself so just wanted to reach out to say hi I hope you’re doing as ok as can be. It’s a rum hand life deals some of us. X

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Hello fellow brave little soldier! I think we get to actually claim that right? 😆 I’ve just had a read of your reply too, I’m so sorry to hear of the position you’re in. Chronic illness absolutely sucks, and can feel very alienating from the rest of society can’t it. I completely agree with you that Elis, John and Dave bring so much relief amongst the rubbish, and I know personally featured heavily in getting me through shielding during the pandemic. I hope you’re able to get what you need from the day today to gain some rest and relief where and if possible. Sending gentle hugs 🤗

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Hallo Legend

I’m getting in touch to say what how beautifully written, compassionate and generous I thought your latest Vibemail was. And, in case your mind works the way mine does, that doesn’t mean your other Vibemails weren’t — they are always a genuine pleasure to read. I read English Literature at Cambridge (sorry, I know that’s the wrong place 😉) so I appreciate both your lovely writing and your book suggestions.

On that topic, I had hoped to do a PhD, but sudden onset, severe illness prevented me and now I’m almost entirely bedbound and in permanent excruciating pain. There’s no cure and I have a particularly intractable version of my illness so nothing helps. It’s been twenty years now. I’m mentioning this because, with your recent arse travails you might have some insight into this. I certainly relate to how after a while you lose confidence when it comes to leaving the house etc.

Needless to say, with my level of pain, laughs are thin on the ground so believe me, I’m saying a lot when I say how much joy I have always got from all the #content put out by you and Elis (and Dave!) Thank you. Even the bowling episode. Which is less bad on second listening!

Finally, I was wondering if you and Elis might consider offering your tour show as a pay to view recording we could stream as you’ve done with other shows? I don’t know if that’s even technically possible, so no problem if not. If it is, though, it’d be great for those of us who can’t get to shows.

All the Billy best to you and the team! X

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Sorry to hear this, Anoushka. I can't go to live shows either, so really hope we can watch the livestream of this one.

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Thank you John, pleased to hear that your spooky experience is gradually improving.. my daughter recently had a similar ‘experience’ on the NHS due to a fissure of the non volcanic variety! On attempting an early morning ‘movement’ soon after the procedure ( and with in bathroom support from me!) she gripped my arm and actually mooed like a cow in extreme distress! We see and understand your pain John… I sincerely hope you have passed the bovine test and are feeling much better soon. Thanks for the laughs, you and Elis have been a weekly comfort for years now. Best wishes, Heather.

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Oh a voiceover! Love it.

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Writing on the brink of a meditation retreat that I really really do and really really don’t want to go to. That void isn’t going anywhere, is it? I’m not quite at the void-embracing stage, but maybe I can acknowledge it with a tiny nod and edge towards offering it a cup of tea. Delighted to have secured a ticket for Birmingham, though, as you and Elis and Dave have radiated so much warmth and light on incredibly difficult days (even/especially when talking about dark and difficult things yourself). Please don’t ever underestimate the impact you have on friendly strangers’ lives!

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Hey Anna, so so great that you're going on a retreat. I got a lot out of mine, and was set to go on another but had to cancel due to this wretched arse. One thing that helps me when coming too close to the old void is saying "Can I sit with this for a second...and a second more". I say that a lot

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Thanks so much for this. Second by second is definitely the way to go... The retreat was amazing. Really hard at times (not just the guff management*) but I can be with the hard stuff a bit more compassionately and it's unbelievably helpful to know that others have similar struggles. (*I bet everyone worries about the old GM and I'd love a meditation teacher to bring it up along with the fire alarm/logistics notices at the outset. How many people are sitting there offering loving kindness to themselves and how many are worrying about how much sound the seat pad can absorb?)

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I've found that growing up is partly a process of discovering that things you heard adults say as a kid that you assumed were just neat turns of phrase, were in fact pretty accurate descriptions of their experience. My heart has, on odd thrilling occasion, skipped a beat, and that same heart really did feel like it was bursting with pride when my dad spoke at his own dad's funeral. And while sometimes it's obviously hyperbole, unfortunately we can also look at certain period of our lives and objectively say "yep, literally the worst". I'm really sorry you've had one of those recently, and hope that you ~feel~ as well as know that your #content has really helped others through their own. (And if it was hyperbole in this case: APOLOGIES FOR THE OVERWROUGHTNESS.)

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More frequent Robins recommends would be great, by frequent, maybe bi-monthly so as not to put to much stress on things. Enjoy all recommendations you've made and will check out these ones!

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Whatever you want to write – light, dark, pain, pleasure – I'm here for all of it. Looking forward to giggling my socks off at (with? towards?) the three of you in Swansea.

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Ha! I favour 'towards': it smacks of enthusiastic engagement.

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Simple straight forward process, no nonsense no faffing (Ellis style) - pre-sale Norwich ticket obtained on Weds.

Even if there were glitches or hitches, surely going venue first and not into E&J DMs is the right thing…?

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The idea that pain forces us to change resonated. For me, it has been emotional rather than physical and I’m a different person because of it. I’m more comfortable being alone, enjoying leaving my comfort zone and no longer relying solely upon others to bring joy and a sense of fun to my life. I’ve just booked a solo ticket to your show in Oxford, now that feels significant!!

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Parasociality is a hell of a drug.

Also, those Cassandra Jenkins albums are truly wonderful.

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Incredible wording around the humanity of an artist in demand. Loved the recommendations too.

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I hope you feel better John! I haven't been able to catch up on the podcasts, but so sorry to hear about your adversities and stressors you're being faced with! We are here for you! Get well! And y'all have fun with the tour!

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Your advice to take a deep breath before launching an attack (or what comes across as one) is sound in any context.

*Love* the pink vibes and links.

I sometimes find lots of recommendations overwhelming, but yours were so good, and generously given, that I am very grateful (and still basking in pink glow). If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have discovered Megan Nolan, and now Rebecca Watson. Or loads of music for that matter.

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Tickets for Edinburgh secured! Delighted!

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