It’s a strange feeling to be proud of someone you’ve never met, but I’m v proud of you John.

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In the words of Sylvia Plath:

‘I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited.’

Let’s keep doing our best with our horribly limited lives.

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You're such a superb writer, sir. Really hope that you learn to be much kinder to yourself. So much of what you say resonates with myself. Can't bloomin' wait to see you on Taskmaster. Take care x

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Such an interesting point on politics. So many of us feel disillusioned with some bizarre and cruel policies but they’re not designed for the many. I will keep repeating to myself ‘poor political tactics’. Thank you for your words 😊

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John continues to be my favourite person I've never met. I never want to meet him 1. because I would have to stop saying that phrase and I quite like saying it and 2. because I wouldn't be able to express the pride and admiration I have for him in a way that he could understand and/or accept (that's on both of us, to be honest). I'd want him to be able to see himself through my eyes for a moment and know how strongly so many people feel about wanting nothing but good things for him. In reality, I'd just point at my Retro Oner pin and say "you're John and also great".

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OMG I'm so happy to hear that you're going to be on Taskmaster! That's going to be amazing!

We saw your show in Bath recently. It was honest,

funny and all round brilliant. Keep up the good work 🙂

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Wow. I can’t put into words how much that resonated with me. An incredibly powerful emotional essay that has left me wanting to tell a stranger how proud I am of them. Well done John.

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Thanks for the timely Vibemail John, I was just saying to my daughter last night that I'm missing you and Elis. That's some year you've had with taking up the gym, your Edinburgh Fringe residence and then the Howl Tour (we came to see you in Glasgow and loved it). You inspired and gave us a lot to think about so thank you and good luck for the new podcast format!

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I'm from where you've been holiday-ing, John, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think you'd be interested in the poetry of Norman MacCaig, if you aren't already, who wrote so movingly about the landscapes you describe. For example - https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/man-assynt-extract/

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Thank you so much for sharing this Stuart, it's perfect

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Thank you for your honesty & I would also like to express (as Jonathan has below) how proud I am of you John. Stay strong, you are more remarkable than you know.

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You have always stood out as being brilliantly funny, intelligent and sensing in whatever work you have done. I saw your Guildford show 😊 and loved it. It’s ok to be ordinary in between. We all love imperfection. It’s more interesting.

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You should write a memoir.

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I completely agree, this vibemail truly surpassed all expectations

(in all seriousness this is very relatable - especially the envy of lives I haven't lived)

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Hey Mr R. Always enjoy hearing your vibe mail. Saw your show in MK. 1st time attending your stand up. Ended up sitting there solo due to a mate’s illness. It’s a bit exposing socially on your own at a gig but I was so engaged that I 4got and felt ok. What you said was interesting, brave and thought provoking. Good luck on the 5live (not live) podcast. Having heard both the live show and pod I did prefer the latter. All the best on TM and becoming a more recumbent Robins 🤗

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Oh love you John, so happy for you I could have cried, the taskmaster bit in Howl touched me the most as I have always empathised with how your mind berates you, positive vibes, you will smash it. xx

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Please keep writing whenever you’re inspired to. I love reading your thoughts. Can’t wait to see you on Taskmaster!

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