Hello everyone! I’m afraid I have had to dispense with all the usual trappings and regalia of the Vibemail because I, Johnny JR, he of the timely realm, keeper of appointments and Punctuality Tzar to HM Government has been so caught up in the progress of his own INTIMATE BUM PROCEDURE that I have left myself twenty mins (shortened to save time) to pass on some very exciting news. Not only is it exciting but also contains quite a few important bits of info so please read more carefully than I am writing to avoid confusion!
That’s right! You heard it here first! We’re hitting the road in 2025 to share japes and banter and Dave’s and games and mad dads and all manner of theatre-friendly swear words.
Because nothing can be simple THESE DAYS please listen carefully to these facts
Tickets go on general sale this Friday 29th November at 10am. They will be available via elisandjohnmerch.com.
There will be a pre-sale via Ticketmaster from this Wednesday 27th November at 10am and these tickets will be available via this link TICKETMASTER.
You need this link in order to buy tickets from the pre-sale. As this is a ‘closed pre sale’ it is not available via Googling, Binging or Duck Duck Going (because YOU MATTER and we don’t want any old Johnny-Come-Via-The-Internet ruining all the fun). So click and copy and paste to your hearts delight!
Individual venues may also be doing pre-sales from Weds at 10am via their own mailing lists / members areas but it would be wildly confusing to list them all here, so if you’re on first name terms with any of the venues we’re appearing at I’m sure you’ll find out via your inboxes in due course!
As ever, only a selection of tickets go into the pre-sale, and missing out does not mean you won’t get tickets. The venues we are playing are more than capable of housing you all! I would not be surprised if the odd venue doesn’t take part in the presale so if you don’t see your local #LegendHub then don’t panic! Speaking of dates…here they are!
So, in summary, despite my urgency there is nothing for you to do right this moment other than keep the Ticketmaster Link for Weds at 10am. You can sign up at elisandjohnmerch.com for ticket and merch related updates, but I will be back in your inboxes this Friday morning with individual venue links and a much less flustered approach to comms. There are, however, tickets for something wonderful you can access right now!
The Dear Lou Sanders On Tour!
Yes! The most delightful goose in the whole fair Lou Sanders is going on tour next year! I have seen previews of it, gazed over the longhand notes and giggled my way silly as she navigates the challenge of ageing with joy in her heart live on stage. In a refreshingly admin-lite approach all her tickets are available here without any planning, bookmarking or faff
I’d be in a very sorry state indeed if it wasn’t for Lou, so grab a ticket to share in her joie de vivre, and maybe you’ll come out with the sunlight of the soul shining down upon you! (or just having had a right old laugh).
I’ll be back on Friday with a more verbose and measured approach to my admin. LOVE YOU BYE!
E and J tour !!
Coming to Brizzle!!
New merch opportunities!!
John’s bum on the mend!!
No Irish date🤬 Cork, Portlaoise, anywhere but Dublin! Surely Daves’ pockets are full of Euros and he always drives in kmp/h and calls them Opels???? (Yes John, Ireland counts as ‘abroad’.)